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Why is my Android phone charging slow? (6 Possible Reasons)
Jun 11,2021, 2050
It’s annoying when your Android phone needs to stay connected to an electric outlet because it is charging way too slow when you plug your phone.

Your battery life is important as battery life is the heart of your Android phone.

Now here’s the deal…

If this frequently happens to you, then you have probably asked yourself many times why this happens. However, if this issue is new to your Android device and it is charging slowly, then this may be a problem that you will have to fix.

I know you’re here because you’re experiencing phone charging problems. But, first things first:

You have to know that a slow-charging Android device could be an effect of three general reasons. First, part of the phone, second, the charging essentials, and lastly, it could be you – yes, you!

Now, let’s cut the chase and just get to the point to find out the answer to your questions. Following are the most common reasons why your phone is charging so slow when you charge your phone:

1. Faulty USB Cables
There are fast charging USB cables now in the market that charge faster. But when you have a slow charging Android device when you charge your phone, the first thing to check or consider is your USB wire. Faulty USB cables are the most famous culprit for this case. That’s why it’s always available at phone accessories stores because a lot of people buy USB cables to replace their old ones for phone charging.

But, how do we know? There are lots of ways to identify if your USB cable is damaged or not. One of which is to try using another USB cable. You don’t have to buy new USB cables before we can be sure that this is really the case. You can first borrow from a friend or anyone you know that has the same type of USB cable as yours.

Charge your phone and plug your phone using the USB cable you borrowed and be sure to use the original adapter you have.

If you have no one that’ll let you borrow a USB cable, no worries! There’s another way to check if your USB cable is working properly before buying a new one.

You can use an app called Ampere by Braintrapp. It’s an Android app that analyzes the current of your Android phone’s battery while being charged.

If you used another USB cable and the charging went back to normal or you run the app and found out that the cable isn’t working properly, then you will have to buy a new one. Although, at least, this is just a minor problem that can be fixed easily by buying USB cables that can be found at almost any phone shop in your area.

2. Problem with the Charging Port
If the problem with your charging is not only that it’s so slow but also almost phone not charging when you plug your phone or maybe there’s a certain position where it charges but when slightly touched or moved it stops when the phone is charging, then a damaged, clogged, or the loose charging port is most likely the case.

Now, this is something that not everyone could fix. I would recommend that you take your Android phone to your trusted repair shop and let them know about your problem so they can fix it for you.

But, if you are on a tight budget, then you can find some articles or videos that show how to fix your charging port on your own. A word of caution: Do it at your own risk.

3. Weak Power Source
This is the easiest possible reason that may have caused your phone to charge slowly. You can easily find it out by transferring from one outlet to another.

When the phone charges slowly, you can also check your outlet if it is faulty while your phone is charging.

If it’s still not working while you are charging your phone, there’s still a possibility that the outlets you used are connected to each other. So, it can still be the same power source.

You can try charging your phone to an outlet in a different room or building just to make sure. If it’s still not working properly, then move to the next possible reasons.

4. Damaged Battery
If the above-mentioned factors are tested and they passed. Then, it’s time to check if your battery is still what it was when you just bought it.

A very common and classic way to know if a battery is still good to go is by just looking at its physical appearance. If you notice a slight bump in its flat sides, then you have a bad battery.

But, nowadays, a lot of smartphones doesn’t have a removable battery anymore. Instead, most of them have built-in batteries. So, how would you know? You can still actually feel or see a slight bulging at the back of your smartphone where the battery is if you have a bad battery.

Another way to identify if your battery is the problem when it drains so fast from full to half of its charging life.

If you can confirm these signs, then you’ll have to buy a new one, either you have a removable or non-removable battery. For a non-removable battery, let your trusted phone center replace the battery for you.

5. Too Many Background Apps
A lot of Android users don’t know about this. When you open an app sometimes you forget to close it properly and it stayed processing in the background. Or, you have downloaded some apps that automatically start in the background and are running in the background..

Background apps don’t only affect your Android’s RAM but also drain the battery. Most of these apps are set to process in the background by default to give you important notifications when something is up or to continuously collect data from your device.

6. Irresponsible User
Lastly, sometimes the user can also be the reason why his smartphone doesn’t charge properly when you charge your phone. Note that you are not supposed to use your smartphone while it is charging.

If you’re an abusive user, then it’s expected that your battery or Android phone won’t last longer than it’s supposed life span. Change your habit and educate yourself on how to increase the battery life of your Android phone.

Final Thoughts
It is truly not easy to diagnose any device that starts to show some issues. But, one thing is sure, your Android phone and its battery have a life span. What you can do is prolong it by following the best habits for healthier smartphone use.
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We cater to Indian consumers across India including Maharashtra, Uttar pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kolkata, Surat, Pune, Jaipur, Lucknow, Indore, Guwahati, Patna, Mumbai and all other Indian states. We are also exporters to Bangladesh, Africa and Nepal.

Apart from manufacturing smart mobile USB Chargers, we also manufacture Car chargers, DTH Set Top Box Electric power adapters ranging from 9v Electric power set top box adapter to 12v electric power supply set top box adaptors.